domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Town cemetary in Narino

The town cemetary in Leiva, Narino.

Dance Class in our apartment every Wednesday!

Leiva, Narino

The Leiva town folk welcomed us with open arms. The schools kids had been waiting for us for over four hours. This was the first such visit to Leiva -- a town mostly untouched by modern life. The FARC and other armed groups had terrorized this town for many years. Now, the Government of Colombia has secured this area - first with the army, then the police and effective economic growth programs. It was a beautiful experience.

Trip to Narino - April 2010

I traveled to the city of Pasto, Narino, located in south west Colombia. This is the airstrip, as we came in. Needless to say, the pilots feel as if they are landing on a aircraft carrier in the middle of the Andes.